the only and only...

About 6 weeks ago I began studying the Bible with two little Sudanese girls, sisters who are 9 and 10 years old. From the start I could see the great potential. They both read so well, ask lots of questions and always prepare for their studies. Along with that they started attending Bible meetings at the kingdom hall right away on their own. Needless to say I got attached and just love them. Then the news came Saturday; they're moving. First to a refugee camp in Kampala and then later to South Sudan. We haven't heard any official report, but rumor has it the horrific civil war in South Sudan is over. Because of that many refugees plan to return soon to be reunited with their families. Let's just really pray and hope the rumors are true, and no one is returning to danger! The girls wrote me these lovely letters. I think they speak for themselves. I corrected their spelling like a good teacher should! From Sarah: Dear Niki, How are you and how is your life? The reason I ...