Be. Here. Now.

Wow! Did you know we are about to celebrate one year in our new congregation here in Jacksonville?! I'll admit my attitude about being in a big American congregation, was not very positive at first. We both were overwhelmed. So many times we wanted to run back to our little peaceful Ugandan group- a place where we felt safe and comfortable. I remember about February last year I had visited my sister Megan's huge congregation for a couple weeks as we lived with them in Palm Coast. During the student assignments one night I got really emotional. I was feeling the sharp fresh pain of leaving Uganda. Certain little things just made me contrast and compare what it was like to be there. Every meeting in Uganda was exciting because you were often seeing new ones participate. The students took their assignments so seriously and handled them with such care. I looked at Megan with the tears starting to roll. She grabbed my hand and I asked her, "Will I ever love a congregation ...